

Area (2) Bus Pass (1) Call Taxi (2) Distance (1) EB (1) Fare (2) Power (1) Shopping (1) Street (1) Street Shopping (1) TNEB (1) Tariff (6) Taxi (1) Ticket (2) Transport (1)

Saturday, 7 December 2013

Chennai Tenants Information Form - Procedures & Deadline

Chennai Tenants Information Form 
Procedures & Deadline

In a move to create a database of tenants in Chennai, the Chennai Police has issued an order that every landlord in Chennai should submit the details of their tenants in the specified form to the police station of their jurisdiction. It can be submitted by person or through courier / post. 

The Chennai police commissioner has issued an order on 5th December 2013 in this regard. The main purpose of this order is to have a control over the anti-social and undesirable elements which occupies various residential premises in the City. It has also mentioned in the order that, all landlords / house owners / lessors under the jurisdiction of Greater Chennai shall furnish full particulars of their tenants in the prescribed form to the
Police Station in their jurisdiction. 

The order has been passed on 5th December 2013 and came into immediate effect. As enunciated in the order, It is mandatory for all the landlords / house owners / lessors of greater Chennai to submit these details in the prescribed form (The link for form has been given below) within 60 days from the date of passing the order. That is, we should submit the form on or before 3rd February 2014

Those landlords who lives at the other city / country than where their property is being let out can send the form by post / courier. The links to download the application forms are given below : 

1. Tenant Verification / Information Form in English - Click Here
2. Tenant Verification / Information Form in Tamil - Click Here 

For those who login by mobile and want to know the details needs to be furnished in this form : 

Details of Landlord : 
1. Name of the Landlord
2. Occupation Details
3. Residence Details 

Details of Tenant : 
1. Name
2. Father's Name
3. Mobile No
4. Present Address
5. Previous residential address
6. ID Proof Details (Passport / Driving License / Arms License / Ration Card / Voters ID / PAN card)
7. Date of occupation of the premises (Date from which the tenant occupies the house for rent)
8. Photograph of the Tenant

Signature of the Landlord

It may be noted that a seperate form needs to be filled & submitted for every tenant individually.

For those landlords who rent the property after 3rd Feb'13 (ie. after 60 days from passing the order) should submit this form within 15 days from the date in which the rental agreement is processed. Those who fail to submit the forms within the stipulated time will face legal action. 

In Crisp : 

What : Submission of Tenant Verification / Information Form 
Should be submitted by : Landlord (Details to be furnished by the Tenant)
To Whom : Police station of their jurisdiction
Mode : By person or through post / courier
Deadline : within 60 days from the date of passing the order (ie. on or before 3rd Feb'14)

To find the Police Station in your jurisdiction, Click Here

Conclusion :

The details to be furnished are simple and It would be better if we can submit the forms at the earliest. Even though there are some confusions and debates over this forms, it is better and safer to fill this form and submit. Request you all to share and spread the word about this to your neighbours as well. 

Disclaimer : 

The informations provided above were based on the details found through TN Police Website and you can have a look at the order issued by the commissioner in this regard by clicking here.

Thanks for reading, meet you all in my next post.

With Cheers,
Deepak Raghuraman

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Up Above the Lights So High !!! - A Visit to Light House, Chennai

Up Above the Lights So High !!! 
A Visit to Light House, Chennai

It's 2:30 in the evening and my mobile started ringing to confirm about the meet-up planned at light house. Since it started raining, people doubted whether the plan is on. Thanks god that there is no change in the plan and not much rain too. 

We the Gang - Snap by Prasanna
It was a plan to visit the Light House at Marina Beach by few members of Chennai Bloggers Club. The date and time were fixed in advance so that there won't be any confusion and it was on 1st December, the Sunday @ 3 PM. Guruprasad Rao was the first one to reach and as usual I went there by a 15 minutes delay. One became two, two became three and finally we had 10 people joined together to have the Bird's eye view from the top of the light house. The gang consists of Me, Guruprasad Rao, Sunder Rajan, Subramaniam Thirunavukkarasu, Kaushik, Bragadheesh Prasanna, Shashi sir, Uma Shree mam with her Husband & Daughter. 

The "Q" - Snap by Guruprasad
It was a breezy evening and It all started with a Chukku kaapi ! Who says no to the Chukku Kaapi, that too on this wonderful climate. Then joined the long Que to have the Bird's eye view . The que was too long that it started from light house till Kamarajar statue. Doesn't matter, We started the photo session in the meantime while we are there in the que. Had some fun chats, discussions, samosas, kadalais etc., during the 20 minutes time which we spent on the que. 

Then enters the destination - The Light House. We must appreciate the efforts of the guards who works doubly hard to manage the crowd. The Light house is kept open for public between 10am and 1pm and 3pm to 5 pm. 

The Destination - Light House
Snap by Kaushik 

Ticket : 

Rs.10 per head for adult 
Rs.5 per head for children, 
Rs.25 for Camera,
Trianglar Stairs - My Snap
Rs.5 for museum.

The light house has 10 floors and we are given the option to use lift or stairs. Wiser to use stairs not just because it burns calories but because of the que which was there for using the lift. And we chose to go by stairs. It was beautifully constructed and the stairs gives a triangular view. Each and every floor has an emergency exit and are under the CCTV surveillance.  Those who come by lift can come till 9th floor and should use the stairs to reach the 10th floor. 
Bird's Eye View - My Click

Here comes the destination - the bird's eye view from the top of the light house. The breeze, the view, the nature makes us to stay there for a longer time. But we were not allowed to view beyond 10 minutes because of the crowd. Time for us to get down. Had even more discussions about the further meet up and the place has been finalised. Umashree mam has left for the day.

We at Beach

The climate was too good as it started drizzling and we the remaining bloggers have decided to go to the sea shore. Cool Breeze, Drizzle and a sea shore - What else is needed !!! Spent some time over there and glad to know more about Shashi sir and his book. He has asked us to contribute to his book "Blogging by Bloggers" and I would like to be a part of it , if time permits. I always love the rain, who won't ! Hence decided to reach home by walking in the rain with umbrella in hand. It took almost half an hour for me to reach home but I loved walking in the beach road during the rain.

Overall , it was a great evening spent with the Chennai Bloggers !! Hope to have such meet up often.

Group Snap by Prasanna

With Cheers,

Deepak Raghuraman

Sunday, 1 December 2013

ABC Nee Vaasi ! - English is never a stumbling block for the rural kids....

ABC Nee Vaasi ! 
English is never a stumbling block stone for the rural kids....

There has been a stigma over the years that the rural kids can't learn English and it is an uphill task for the kids and people in village to interact in English.  Theoretically , many things has been told like English is not a difficult language, it is just another language etc.,. But when it comes to practical, only a few works towards what has been said theoretically. 

" It’s kind of fun to do the impossible " - Words of Walt Disney. How many of us see it as fun, is a million dollar question. There is always a risk involved in trying to do the thing which is impossible. But those who are ready to take the risk, can bring the change. 

I Went to an unusual event yesterday by the name "ABC Nee Vaasi" at Pitty Tyagaraya Hall, Chennai. As the name suggests, this is an event related to English by the Eureka primary school students from the "Vembakkam" village in Kanchipuram. I used the term "Unusual Event". Yeah, truly it's an unusual event for me or modestly I can tell, I have never came across any such event. This event showcased the students' abilities in English in all the verticals - Reading, Speaking, Analytical, Reasoning etc., It has been exhibited in the form of game shows and competitions. 

The games has been categorized and the questions are set based on the standards in which the students studies ranging from 1st standard to 5th standard. I personally amazed on seeing the performance of these kids. First thing was their stage presence. The children did't show any sort of stage fear at all. They are very much confident in what they do. In my opinion and my experience, the first step in learning English or any foreign language is to eliminate the fear of that language. These kids have handled it exceptionally well. They are very confident, even if they are wrong - they are not showing the hesitation. That too in front of 100+ audience. 

I must honestly admit that few of the questions have made me to think a long time to find the answer, but these kids have replied at a lightning speed. Even for some questions, I wondered that how the students of this age can answer , But yet again these children proved it. The confidence and the speed at which they are answering were really amazing. 

One thing which needs to be appreciated is, the school not just brought the students from that village, but also brought their parents. I am sure that their parents were proud of their kids and it is a kind of enlightenment which can make them think like we too can interact in English. As an audience, I observed the feel of the parents. Also for some questions, the parents started mumbling the answers... 

The teachers are playing the huge role in it and also the management. It is an uphill task but not an impossible one. They also had a book-stall at the event and I have gone through their materials. Only a stronger basement can bring the stronger building. As such, the materials are too good and provides the stronger basement. They have also shown the video of how they teach the students and also some volunteers have spoke about their teaching methodology. It is truly amazing and an eye-opener for all other schools even in the city !

The speech of Mrs.Vasanthi Devi, Mr. Balaji Sampath who are the backbones of these Eureka Schools have revealed that they want to be the MODEL school in all the ways. And this event has proved that it is going in a right direction. There is no media coverage, no publicity, no hype. But this event being an eye-opener, should be made known to the people and hence I am writing this post in my blog. I am eager to witness their next event and kudos to the entire team who is behind the success of this event "ABC Nee Vaasi". As I usually say in my posts, Be the change and make a difference, here is one change which can make a difference. 

You can get to know more about this school by visiting their website :

With Cheers,
Deepak Raghuraman

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Apply for Voters ID Card Online

:: Apply for Voters ID Card Online ::

We all know the importance of Voters ID and its usage. But when it comes to applying for the new voters ID or making corrections / additions to the existing the cards, we are still hesitant to go to the booths  to get it done. Over the years, it has been like this. We need to go to the specified booths in our area, they will take our snap and verify the other details. But since we are little hesitant to go to the booths because of the crowds and other reasons, the officials have come up with the online mode. Yes, now we can apply for the Voters ID online. Either it is for fresh application or for the modifications in the existing cards like address change etc., we can do it online... I will post the step by step details on how to apply online below. 

Pre-Requisites : 

Before proceeding to the online form, we should keep the following things ready with us.

  • For Fresh Application : Your Photograph (Less than 350 KB), 
  • For Modifications : Your Voters ID Number (Which was at the top of the ID Card above your photo) and Your Photo if you want to change the existing photo in your ID card.
Step 1 : 

Click here to apply for voters ID online. A page like this will open.

Step 2 :

It shows four options .

1. Form 6 : For Inclusion of Name (Fresh Application)
2. Form 7 : For objection to inclusion of name (Deletion of Name)
3. Form 8 : For Corrections in the existing card (Modifications)
4. Form 8A: For transposition of entry in the electoral roll (For the transpositional errors made in the card earlier)

Select the appropriate form and proceed. Form 6 & 8 were popular since they are for fresh application & modifications respectively.

Step 3 : 

For Fresh Applications (Form 6) : 

  • A window like above will open.
  •  Fill in the necessary details.
  •  I personally feel that the details in Tamil shouldn't be made mandatory since most of us don't know how to type the texts in Tamil. This site itself tells that they have provided for transliteration whereby we can type the text in English and it will transliterate into tamil, but unfortunately it is not working when I tried. Anyways, I found an alternative.
  • Click here to go the transliteration site. 
  • Type the Tamil text in English. For Eg: for ABC Street, Type as ABC Theru it will provide the output in Tamil font. Just copy it and paste it in the require field. 
  • Upload your photo which should be less than 350 KB
  • Then comes the tricky part, where we are asked to enter details about the ID of our family members (If they have one). We know the Name, the relationship and Photo Identity Number (Which is nothing but the Voters ID Number). But how to find the Part Number & Serial number ? Here is the solution. 
           How to find Part & Serial Number : 
          1.Click here  to get the details about the Voters ID of your family members.
          2.Enter the ID number in the box provided (ID number is at the top of your Voters ID Card)
          3.After entering the ID, we will get the complete details, and there we can find the Part &                Serial number. 
  • Type that numbers in the respective fields in our application form. 
  • Then click on Submit
  • A mail will be sent to your mail ID which you provided in the application form with the link to confirm / modify / delete your application.
For Corrections in existing Voters ID (Form 8) : 

  • Click on form 8 at the entrance page.
  • Then type your ID number which was found at the top of your Voters ID card (Above your photo)
  • Update the necessary details. If you want to update the new address, type the new address in the address part.
  •  I personally feel that the details in Tamil shouldn't be made mandatory since most of us don't know how to type the texts in Tamil. This site itself tells that they have provided for transliteration whereby we can type the text in English and it will transliterate into tamil, but unfortunately it is not working when I tried. Anyways, I found an alternative.
  •  Click here to go the transliteration site. 
  • Type the Tamil text in English. For Eg: for ABC Street, Type as ABC Theru it will provide the output in Tamil font. Just copy it and paste it in the require field. 
  • Photo should be uploaded ONLY IF you want to change your photo in the existing ID . Else, leave it blank.
  • Then click on Submit
  • A mail will be sent to your mail ID which you provided in the application form with the link to confirm / modify / delete your application.

Step 4 : 

  • Once you received the mail, click on the confirmation link. Only after you click on that link, the data will be sent to the official database. 
  • The officials will be coming to your doorstep to verify the correctness of the data provided in the application form. So please be ready with the necessary ID & Address proof to provide the authorities when they come to your house. 
  • Thats it !!!!!!!!

Why this post ?? 

I just read this article in Deccan Chronicle and it is a good effort by the EC which has not reached the ears of many people. I must tell , its the good initiative and they have also trained few licensed internet cafe people to help the residents of their locality. A good move and it just takes few minutes to fill in the necessary details. 

Conclusion : 

It is the good initiative by the election commission and request you all to make a good use of it. No more "Q"s... Please spare few minutes to apply for the voters ID and be a responsible citizen. As like my previous posts on Aadhar card, not many people are aware about this.Request you all to please share and spread the awareness. For any doubts / clarifications, call 1950.

With Cheers,
Deepak Raghuraman

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Aadhar Card Enrollment Camps Schedule (Chennai) - September 2013

Aadhar Card Enrollment Camps Schedule (Chennai)  
September 2013

Thank you all for your response and feedback on my earlier post about Aadhar card and now the Schedule for the September Month has been announced. It has been published on this saturday's newspaper (ie. 21st Sep'13).  As like before, I just pulled the necessary data from the ad and added a column for the specific area coverage which was not there in the ad. It will be easier if we can have the area names along with the ward numbers and hence I have incorporated the same in my post here. While compiling this data, I came to know that the whole of Chennai has been categorized under 15 zones and 200 wards by the Chennai Corporation. The Aadhar camp has been organized based on the wards and hence they have mentioned the ward numbers in their ad. If you know your ward number , then it will be easier to locate your camp venue and you can get further more details. Now the question arises, how can I find the ward number. Here it goes..

How to find Ward Number : 

Have a look at your ration card. The first box in the bottom table is what the ward number is. Here is the sample which might help you in finding your ward number in ration card : 

Contact Numbers to clarify the doubts regarding Aadhar Card Camps : 

As many of you were reported in my earlier post that there is no proper response from the officials regarding the Aadhar camps, I tried to browse and gather few contact numbers and thanks to Ms.Sheethal for her doubt which made me scout for the numbers. I just got few numbers starting from 94451 900*** . It has given me a clue that the number is being given in some chronological order. I tried calling the numbers and found out that the numbers were alloted based on the zones. As said already, Chennai have 15 zones and hence numbers ranging from 94451  90201 to 944451 90215. Here is complete list of zonal helpline numbers : 

Zone Number
Contact No
94451 90201
94451 90202
94451 90203
94451 90204
94451 90205
Thiru. Vi. Ka. Nagar
94451 90206
94451 90207
Anna Nagar
94451 90208
94451 90209
94451 90210
94451 90211
94451 90212
94451 90213
94451 90214
94451 90215
General Queries
044 2446 0910

I have cross checked with few numbers and they are responding well. Just try calling them any clarifications. If you find the numbers mentioned above to be wrong, let me know at the earliest. 

Areas Covered Under the Camp (September'13) : 

Here is the list of Areas covered for the month of Septeber'13. Click on the image to have a large view.

Camp Schedule for September 2013 : 

It is an extensive coverage for this month and they have included almost many parts of Chennai. Also, for few areas which had the deadline last month, it has been extended till september end.  Here is the complete schedule for the month of September 2013. I have pulled the data from the Advertisement published in the newspapers and added the areas column and sorted it for our easy understanding. Like my earlier post, here also you can use Ctrl + F to search for your area / ward number. Here is the list : 

Old Ward ID
Area (s)
Camp Venue

Kodungaiyur (W)
Chennai Middle School @ Chinnadimadam, Ch - 118
Kodungaiyur (E)
Chennai Middle School @ Chinnadimadam, Ch - 118
Dr.Radhakrishnan Nagar (North)
Chennai Hr Sec School @ Patel Nagar, Ch - 81
4 to 12
Cheriyan Nagar (N), Jeeva Nagar (N), Cheriyan Nagar (S), Jeeva Nagar (S), Korukkupet, Mottai Thottam, Kumarasamy Nagar (S), Dr. Radhakrishnan Ngr (S), Kumarasamy Nagar (N)
Corporation Zone Office, 266. TH Road, Tondiarpet
Vijayaragavalu Nagar (West)
Chennai Primary School @ Bojaraja Nagar, Old Washermanpet
14 to 31
Tondiarpet, Sanjeevirayanpet, Grace Garden, Ma-Po-Si Nagar, Royapuram, Singarathottam, Narayanappa Thottam, Old Washermenpet, Meenakshiammanpet, Kondithope,Sevenwells (North), Amman Koil,Muthialpet, Vallalseethakathi Nagar, Kachaleeswarar Nagar, Sevenwells (South),Sowcarpet, Basin Bridge
Corporation Zone Office, #105. Basin Bridge Salai, Royapuram
Thiru Vi Ka Nagar
Vyasarpet (South)
Chennai Primary School, Moorthinagar St, Vyasarpadi
Thiru Vi Ka Nagar
Perambur (South)
Chennai Girls Hr Sec School, School Rd, Perambur
Thiru Vi Ka Nagar
Thiru Vi Ka Nagar
Old Zone office, Puliyanthope
Thiru Vi Ka Nagar
39,41,42 & 45
Wadia Nagar, Puliyanthope, Dr Besant Nagar, Thattangulam
Old Division office, Near G3 Police Station, Puliyanthope.
Thiru Vi Ka Nagar
Dr. Sathyavanimuthu Nagar
Chennai Middle School, Dikastar Road, Puliyanthope.
Thiru Vi Ka Nagar
Chennai Primary School, 130 Amman Koil St, Mint
Thiru Vi Ka Nagar
Perumal Koil Thottam
Old JE Office, Vadamalai st, Walltax road, Mint
Thiru Vi Ka Nagar
Chennai Middle School. Kuruvankulam St, Choolai
Thiru Vi Ka Nagar
Poonga Nagar
Chennai Middle School, VKP St, Choolai
Thiru Vi Ka Nagar
Elephant Gate
Chennai High School, Walltax road, Elephant Gate
Thiru Vi Ka Nagar
Chennai Middle School, Annapillai St, Sowcarpet
Thiru Vi Ka Nagar
 Nagammai Ammaiyar Nagar
Chennai Boys High School, Buner Garden Perambur ,
Chennai Middle School, Somayya St, GKM Colony, Agaram
Thiru Vi Ka Nagar
Agaram (S)
Chennai Middle School, Pappammal St, GKM Colony, Agaram
Thiru Vi Ka Nagar
Panneer Selvam Nagar
Corp office, Aspron Garden, 2nd st, New Avadi Rd, Kilpauk
Thiru Vi Ka Nagar
Maraimalai Adigal Nagar
Corp High School, Loyds Road, Nammalwarpet
Thiru Vi Ka Nagar
Maraimalai Adigal Nagar (South)
Old JE Office, Secretariat colony, Opp to TB Hospital, Ayanavaram
Thiru Vi Ka Nagar
Chennai Middle School, Sundaram St, Purasaiwalkam
Thiru Vi Ka Nagar
Chennai Primary School, Thiruveethiamman koil st, Kolathur ;
Chennai Hr Sec School, Kolathur ;
Chennai Primary School, Srinivasa Nagar, Kolathur;
Chennai Primary School, 27th St, GKM Colony ;
Erwin Mat School, Red Hills Rd, Kolathur
Anna Nagar
Villivakkam (S)
Thiru Nagar Park, Villivakkam
Anna Nagar
Anna Nagar (w)
Division office 64, I Block, 13th Main Rd, Anna Nagar
Anna Nagar
Anna Nagar (Central)
Thiru Vi Ka Boys School, 1st Main Rd, Shenoy Nagar ;
K Block Association, 2nd main road, Back to Bogain Villa Park, Anna Nagar
Anna Nagar
Anna Nagar (E)
Zonal Office
Anna Nagar
Shenoy Nagar
Chennai Girls Hr Sec School, Near Corp off, Shenoy Nagar ;
#4, 103 Counsellor office, opp to perumal koil, New Avadi Rd, Kilpauk
Anna Nagar
Kilpauk (N)
Zonal Office
Anna Nagar
Gangadeeswarar Koil
Corporation School, Vellalar St, Purasawalkam
Anna Nagar
Kilpauk (S)
Old ward 72 office, Venkatachalam St, Shenoy Nagar
Anna Nagar
Aminjikkarai (N)
Chennai Primary School. #1 MH Colony, 1st Main Rd, Aminjakarai
Anna Nagar
74, 75
Aminjikkarai (Central & West)
Govt High School, MMDA Colony
Chennai Middle School, West Kovil st, Chintathiripet
80 to 84
Nehru Nagar, Chinthadhiripet, Komaleeswaranpet, Balasubramanian Nagar, Thiruvatteeswaranpet
Old Division office, Balamuthu St, Ellis Road
85 to 96
Natesan Nagar, Chepauk, Zambazaar,  Umarupulavar Nagar, Triplicane, Marina, Krishnampet, Bharathi Nagar, Azad Ngr (N), Bharathidasan Nagar, Azad Ngr (S). Vivekanandapuram
Old zonal office (Near Metro Water), Dr Besant Road
114 to 116
Sathyamurthy Nagar, Alwarpet (N & S)
Corpn Division office, Aalayamman Koil St, Teynampet
117, 118, 120, 121
Vadapalani (E & W), Navalar Nedunchezhiyan Nagar (W)
Corpn Division office, Vellala st, Near Best Hospital, Kodambakkam
Kalaivanar Nagar
Corpn Division office, Aalayamman Koil St, Teynampet ;
Divn office near 5 lights jn, Rangarajapuram.
122 to 127
Ashok Nagar, MGR Nagar, Kamaraj Nagar (N&S), T.Nagar, Rajaji Nagar
Divn office near 5 lights jn, Rangarajapuram.
Virugambakkam (S)
Chennai corpn hr sec school, Erikkarai salai, Nesapakkam
Divn office, Arunachalam rd, saligramam
Kodambakkam (N)
Chennai Corpn Childrens park, Bobbiliraja st, Sector - 13, KK Nagar
136, 137
Kalaignar Karunanidhi Nagar (KK Ngr), VOC Nagar
Chennai Hr Sec School, 4th Main Rd, CIT Nagar
GD Naidu Nagar (E)
Chennai Corpn indoor stadium, Kottur garden 1st cross st, Kotturpuram
GD Naidu Nagar (W)
Richard Park Saidapet, Near TNOU
Guindy (E)
IITM Campus, PRO office (Exclusive for IIT Campus Residents)
ICICI Bank, Alwarpet
ICICI, 8/44 East Mada St, Mylapore
149, 150
RA Puram, Avvai Nagar (S)
Raja Muthiah Hr Sec School, Thiruvenkatam St, Srinivasa Avenue , RA Puram
Adyar (W)
ICICI, 2/1 LB Road, Adyar
Adyar (E)
Chennai Middle school, 1, amman koil st, Damadarapuram
Velachery Govt High School, Throwpathy Amman Koil st, Velacherry
Tiruvanmiyur (E)
Besant School, Arundale Beach Road, Besant Nagar ;
Corpn Community Hall, Kamaraj Salai, Lakshmipuram, Tiruvanmiyur ;
Bharathidasan Hr Sec School, Near Marundheeswarar temple, Tiruvanmiyur.
195 (New)
Chandra sekaran avenue, Nehru nagar, Sowdeeswari nagar, Okkiyam pettai, Kannaki nagar, Eswaran nagar, Rajiv nagar.
Community Hall, Kannagi Nagar, Near Amma Canteen, Okkiyam Thoraippakkam
197 (New)
Karappakkam village, Okkiyam lake, Mark mall, Eswaran st., Kaliyamman koil st., K.C.G. Engineering college, Buckingham canal, Kalaingar Karunathi road, O.M.R., Ganesh nagar, Village main road, Hindu burial ground road, Buckingham canal, T.N.H.B. T.22 road, Kumaran nagar, O.M.R., Vacant land, Lake, Classic farms, Medavakkam road, Elcot avenue, Vacant land, River view colony, Manimegalai nagar, Thangavelu engineering college.
Govt Middle School, Karappakkam ;
Chennai Middle School, KK Salai, Sholinganallur
91 (New)
South Avenue (Sidco), South Avenue, Kambar Road, Sathazhvar St, Palli St, Mogappair lake scheme, Maduravoil North Limit, Perumalakaram East Limit, Nolambur North Limit Service Road.
Sector 3,6,7,9 - Primary School, Mugappair West ;
SBOA School, Mugappair West
92 (New)
South Avenue (Sidco), Seethakathi road, Pachaippar Road, Ori Road, EB Road, Mogappair Lake Scheme, Ist Main Road, Palli St, Sathazhvar St (Sidco), South Avenue Road,
Spartan School, Mugappair West ;
Primary School, Mugappair West ;
MGR Adharsh School ;
Shamrat School

Disclaimer : The informations provided above were based on the advertisement which has been published in newspaper. In case if you find any mistakes / errors in the informations above, let me know by sending me a mail.

Conclusion : Eventhough there is a confusion over the applicability of Aadhar card, I would request you all to make use of this camps and apply for this. It will take some 15 to 20 minutes for each person since they will be taking Snap, Finger Prints, Thumb Impression and IRIS.  Those who are from other state and recently shifted to Chennai, Can go ahead to their zonal venue where the camp is being held with the proper ID & Address proof. Even many of us were not aware of these camps and this advertisement in the newspaper has made some people aware about it. Let this post help the majority of people and make them aware about these camps in Chennai. Request you to Share and spread the awareness. Meet you all with my next post.

With Cheers,
Deepak Raghuraman