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Showing posts with label EB. Show all posts

Monday, 1 July 2013

Electricity Usage Tariffs in Tamil Nadu (TNEB) 2013

:: Electricity Usage Tariffs in Tamil Nadu (TNEB) 2013 ::

Based on the responses for my earlier posts on MTC Bus Tariffs & Call Taxi Tariffs, here I am sharing the tariffs of TNEB - Power consumption charges. Many a times we have come across the jokes like the bill shock is more dangerous than the any other shocks and all. But there is a base for calculating these rates and tariffs. The rates and tariffs differs for different categories of which I am posting the tariffs of major categories. All the tariffs were for the Bi-Monthly consumption.

1. Domestic House Hold Consumption  Tariffs (Includes Handloom,Nutrition Centres etc) :

ConsumptionSlabCC Charges Per Unit (Rs)Fixed Charges for 2 months
Domestic House Hold Consumption (Includes Handloom,Nutrition Centres etc)
Upto 100 Units0-100 units1.0020.00
Upto 200 Units0-200 units1.5020.00
Upto 500 Units0-200 units2.0030.00
201-500 units3.0030.00
Above 500 Units0-200 units3.0040.00
201-500 units4.0040.00
Above 501 units5.7540.00

2. Commercial & others (including construction for residential buildings, cinema theatres, cinema studios etc) :

ConsumptionSlabCC Charges Per Unit (Rs)Fixed Charges for 2 months
Commercial & others (including construction for residential buildings, cinema theatres, cinema studios etc)
Upto 100 Units0-100 units4.30120/KW
More than 100 unitsFrom first units7.00120/KW

3. Railway Colonies, Defence colonies etc. :

ConsumptionSlabCC Charges Per Unit (Rs)Fixed Charges for 2 months
Railway Colonies, Defence colonies etc.Fixed Rate per unit4.00100.00

4. Public lighting, water supply, Sewer., Village panchayats/Town Panchayat, Municipality/ Corporations : 

ConsumptionSlabCC Charges Per Unit (Rs)Fixed Charges for 2 months
Public lighting, water supply, Sewer., Village panchayats/Town Panchayat, Municipality/ CorporationsFixed Rate per unit5.50-

5. Govt and Aided Educational Institutions, Govt. Hospitals etc : 

ConsumptionSlabCC Charges Per Unit (Rs)Fixed Charges for 2 months
Govt and Aided Educational Institutions, Govt. Hospitals etcFixed Rate per unit5.00100/KW

6. Private Educational Institutions & hostels :

ConsumptionSlabCC Charges Per Unit (Rs)Fixed Charges for 2 months
Private Educational Institutions & hostelsFixed Rate per unit6.50100/KW

7. Places of Public worship, Mutts : 

ConsumptionSlabCC Charges Per Unit (Rs)Fixed Charges for 2 months
Places of Public worship, Mutts
Upto 120 Units0-120 units2.50100/KW
Above 120 UnitsAbove 120 units5.00100/KW

8. Cottage, Tiny Industries, (Upto 10HP) : 

ConsumptionSlabCC Charges Per Unit (Rs)Fixed Charges for 2 months
Cottage, Tiny Industries, (Upto 10HP)
Upto 500 UnitsUpto 500 units3.5030/KW
Above 500 UnitsAbove 500 units4.0030/KW

9.Power Looms (upto 10 HP) incl. Winding etc. : 

ConsumptionSlabCC Charges Per Unit (Rs)Fixed Charges for 2 months
Power Looms (upto 10 HP) incl. Winding etc.
Upto 500 UnitsUpto 500 Units0.00100/KW
Above 500 UnitsAbove 500 Units4.00100/KW

10. Industries :

ConsumptionSlabCC Charges Per Unit (Rs)Fixed Charges for 2 months
IndustriesFixed Rate per unit5.5060/KW

11. Temporary activities such as construction of commercial complexes/residential building/complexes of more than 12 dewlling units, Lavish illuminations : 

ConsumptionSlabCC Charges Per Unit (Rs)Fixed Charges for 2 months
Temporary activities such as construction of commercial complexes/residential building/complexes of more than 12 dewlling units, Lavish illuminationsFixed Rate per unit10.50-

The rates and tariffs mentioned above were the revised one and came with effect from 01st April 2012 and still in force. If you find any mistakes or errors in the rates, please feel free to inform me . I will update it accordingly. 

References :,,, tnebtariffcalculator,