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Saturday, 22 February 2014

Pulse Polio Immunisation Campaign 2014 - Phase 2 (23rd Feb'14)

Pulse Polio Immunisation Campaign 2014 
Phase 2 (23rd Feb'14)

The second phase of Pulse Polio Immunisation Campaign is scheduled for today and it has started in almost all the places.

Some key points to keep in mind : 

  • Immunisation booths will function from 7am to 5pm
  • All children in the age group of 0-5 years should be given 2 drops of Polio vaccine today (23rd February). It is an addition to the one which was done during the first phase on January 21014.
  • Children immunized recently under Routine Immunization Schedule should also to be given Polio drops on the campaign days
  • Children of Migrant labourers are also given polio drops on the campaign days.

It is just a matter of about 15-20 minutes, and since the camp venues has been large in numbers, there won't be much crowd. So don't hesitate to take your kid to the nearest booth. 

Also requesting the readers who belongs to any FLAT ASSOCIATION to take a printout of this post or some other related post / newspaper article and paste it in the notice board. 

Do share this with your kits and kins. Join hands in making the healthy tomorrow. 

Based on the queries being raised by the readers on my post about earlier phase of Polio Drops, below are some clarifications which I got from Dr. Ganesh Puttu

Q: My baby is suffering from fever. So i didn't give polio drops. Should I give drops even if the kid is suffering from fever ?

A: Vaccination could have been done despite the fever.
Q: I have missed both the camps for some reason. How can I vaccinate my kid in that circumstance? Do I need to wait till next year for the camp ? 

A: The free vaccination is done on a designated day - not daily - you can always visit a pediatrician to vaccinate at your convenience (which is not free, a paid one).

In a nut-shell :

Date of Immunisation Camp
23rd February’14 (Sunday) - 7 am to 5 pm

Age Group to be covered 
0-5 Years

Camps being held at
Nearest Corporation schools / Govt Hospitals / other Public Health Centers / Bus Stands / Airport / Railway Stations etc

With Cheers,
Deepak Raghuraman