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Thursday, 26 November 2015

What to do when accident occurs

Ignorance is a sin. Ignorance is a thing which gives way for more debates. Have heard a lot more thoughts "Ignorance is a bliss", "Ignorance is a Choice", "Ignorance is a sin" and so on. Even the law tells "Ignorantia Juris Non Excusat" means which, "Ignorance of law is no excuse". As said already, it is a much debated topic. But we should not fall into the category of that "Ignorance". 

Whenever we find there is a lapse at the time of emergency , it is mainly because of the ignorance. This post is about the Emergency care to be taken at the time of accident - where I gonna post about the things to do and not to do when an accident occurs. Though, the post and tips were common to all, the emergency contact numbers which I am providing will be related to Chennai District. 

Steps to be taken when accident occur :

Whenever an accident occurs, the first thing we get into is panic - It will be either the fear of loss of life or the fear of law. If we take the necessary steps at the right time, we shall save the lives of the people involved in accident. Listing below the steps that can be taken when an accident occurs. I am also trying to explain in the form of infograph at the end of this post to make it easily understandable. 
  • Give First Aid to the injured  
  • Switch on the hazard lights to indicate the other vehicles of an incident.
  • Call the Ambulance (108) & take the injured to the nearest Hospital. 
  • Give Information to the nearest police personnel
  • Give Information to the Traffic Control Room .Call 103 - 044-28521323, 044-23452362,  044- 42042300 & 98400 17626 
  • Note the Registration Numbers of the vehicles involved
  • The Duty Doctor shall  make necessary entry in the Accident Register (AR), admit the injured, give treatment and give information to the police.
  • If you are an eye witness and wish to provide written statement then you need to come to the police station and give a written and signed complaint.
  • Keep in mind it is illegal to move any vehicle involved in the accident or any thing from the scene. Leave things as they are, even if they are blocking the road to other users.
  • Avoid smoking, as there may be a petrol spillage.
Note: The driver of the faulty vehicle shall take the injured to the nearest hospital for treatment & give information to police. In case of failure, he is liable for punishment.

The above steps has been illustrated in the form of Infograph below: 

No Case Against Those who Helps the Accident Victims:

Many of us know the fact that the Government has recently announced that there is no need to be panic while helping the accident victims as the civil / criminal case won't be filed on those who helps the victims. Sharing few key points to be noted in this regard, as published in Hindustan Times: 
* A Good Samaritan in road accidents should be allowed to leave immediately, if they take an injured person to the hospital. They should not be questioned

* They should be suitably rewarded to encourage other people to come forward to help accident victims

* No civil or criminal liability should be fixed on them

* Any person who makes a phone call to inform about the victim lying on the road, shall not be compelled to reveal his/her name and personal details

* Disclosure of personal information shall be voluntary in medico-legal case form of hospitals

* Disciplinary action will be taken against public officials who force the good Samaritan to reveal his/her name and personal details

* In case of voluntary disclosure of being a witness to an accident and required to be examined for investigation by the police or during the trial, such a person shall be examined only once and the state government shall develop an SOP for non-harassment

* The ministry of health and family welfare shall issue guidelines for all registered public and private hospitals not to detain anyone who helps accident victims for registration and admission costs, unless they are a family member or relative of the injured.

List of Hospitals in Chennai - Google Map: 

Chennai has got more hospitals and it is impossible to share the contact of all the hospitals. Whenever an accident occurs, it is better to take the injured to the nearest hospital. I am sharing the Google Map below whereby the Hospitals in Chennai were plotted. Based on the area of accident, you can zoom-in and get in touch with the nearest hospital. I am using this as an experimental feature. Feel free to ping me if it doesn't work: 



A recent survey* states that around 88% bystanders hesitate to help a victim of road crash due to legal hassles and fear of police harassment. Repeated questioning by the police, multiple summons from courts of law prevents the passerby from extending a helping to people in need, reveals the survey. As we discussed above, helping the accident victims is just a matter of time now. No need to worry about the legal implications. Never hesitate to help the victims whenever you come across any accidents. 

Be the change & See the change.  
