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Sunday, 28 July 2013

Monthly Milk Card Tariff (Aavin)

:: Monthly Milk Card Tariff (Aavin)::

Gone are the days when we woke up by the voice of the milkman "Amma Paal" in Chennai. Also the system of token milk whereby we stand in a long "Q" to purchase the milk. I am not sure whether these systems prevails in Chennai, But I didn't see them these days. Thanks to the technological advancements & modernisation which has changed almost everything.

I am proud to tell that we (Tamil Nadu) are the 2nd largest dairy player in India after Gujarat. The major players in our state includes Aavin, Hatsun (Arokya), Heritage, Dodla Dairy, Milky Mist, Thirumala etc., Of which I am going to post few informations about Aavin. 

Aavin Paal (ஆவின் பால்) - Name Reason : 

" ஆ(Aa)"  in Tamil means COW. 
"பால் (Paal)" in Tamil means MILK. 

AAVIN PAAL - Literally means, Cow's Milk.

Brief History about Aavin : 

The Dairy Development Department was established in Tamil Nadu in the year 1958 to oversee and regulate milk production and commercial distribution in the state. The Dairy Development Department took over control of the milk cooperatives. It was replaced by the Tamil Nadu Cooperative Milk Producers Federation Limited in the year 1981 which sold milk and milk products under the trademark "Aavin".

Average Milk Procurement in District Cooperative Milk Producers Union : 

YearAvg Milk Procurement Per Day
2001-200217.49 Lakh Litres
2002-200315.79 Lakh Litres
2003-200417.26 Lakh Litres
2004-200520.56 Lakh Litres
2005-200621.59 Lakh Litres
2006-200722.1 Lakh Litres
2007-200821.64 Lakh Litres
2008-200922.00 Lakh Litres
2009-2010 22.30 Lakh Litres
2010-2011 20.66 Lakh Litres
2011-201221.4 Lakh Litres
2012-2013 26.83 Lakh Litres 

Milk Products from Aavin :

Aavin produces 4 varieties of Milk which are as follows : 

  • Toned milk (3% Fat) (Blue)
  • Doubled toned milk (1.5% Fat) (Magenta)
  • Standardized Milk (4.5% Fat) (Green)
  • Full Cream Milk (6% Fat) (Red)

Tariff of 500ml Aavin Milk packets : 

If Purchased in loose (Non Card Holders) : 

Type of MilkPack ColorMRP (Rs)Total Expenditure for 30 Days MonthTotal Expenditure for 31 Days Month
Toned milk (3% Fat) Blue13.50 405.00 418.50
Doubled toned milk (1.5% Fat) Magenta12.00 360.00 372.00
Standardized Milk (4.5% Fat) Green15.50 465.00 480.50
Full Cream Milk (6% Fat)Red / Orange17.50 525.00 542.50

Tariff for monthly Card Holders : 
Milk Card. Source:

Type of MilkPack ColorMRP (Rs)Total Expenditure for 30 Days MonthTotal Expenditure for 31 Days Month
Toned milk (3% Fat) Blue12.00 360.00 372.00
Doubled toned milk (1.5% Fat) Magenta11.50 345.00 356.50
Standardized Milk (4.5% Fat) Green14.50 435.00 449.50
Full Cream Milk (6% Fat)Red / Orange16.50 495.00 511.50

Savings because of Monthly Card :

Type of MilkPack ColorSavings for 30 days MonthSavings for 31 days Month
Toned milk (3% Fat) Blue45.00 46.50
Doubled toned milk (1.5% Fat) Magenta15.00 15.50
Standardized Milk (4.5% Fat) Green30.00 31.00
Full Cream Milk (6% Fat)Red / Orange30.00 31.00

How to apply for Aavin Monthly Card : 

Milk Cards are sold through 16  zonal offices all over the city for the milk supply period-16th of current month to 15th of succeeding month. Milk cards for the period less than 30 days are also issued. 

zonal offices are working with out any holiday from 1st to 16th of every month except National and festival  holidays. 

Milk cards are also sold through designated milk depots during 1st to 13th of every month.

Zonal offices in Chennai :

Sl. No.ZoneOffice Address Phone No.
1ADYAR ZONENo39-A, First Main Road,23464589
Gandhi Nagar, Adyar, Ch-20.23464590
2ANNA SALAI ZONENo.151, Agarchand Mansion,28460649
Anna Salai, Chennai-2.
3AYYANAVARAM ZONENo.359, Konnur High Road,26740345
Ayyanavaram, Chennai-23.
4ASHOK NAGAR1st Floor, TNHB Shopping23464550
Complex, Ashok Nagar,CH-83
5MANDAVELI & MYLAPORE ZONESNo.77, C.P.Ramaswamy Rd.,23464557
Commercial Complex Corporation
Building, Alwarpet, Chennai-18.
6NORTH MADRAS ZONENo.117, Prakasam Salai,23464544
Broadway , Chennai-108.
7PERAMBUR ZONENo.88,89, Perambur High Rd.,23464549
Venkatraman Street, Chennai-11.
8T.NAGAR ZONENo.1, Saravana Mudali St.,23464554
T.Nagar,  Chennai-17
9TRIPLICANE ZONEShop No.21, Lloyds Colony,23464588
Triplicane, Chennai-14
10VEPERY ZONENo.131, Kalathiappa Street,23464545
Choolai, Chennai-11223464546
11ANNA NAGAR ZONEPlot No.X-39-A, II Avenue23464551
Anna Nagar Tower Parlour,Ch-4023464552
12WASHERMANPET ZONENo.243, Tiruvottiyur High Road,23464548
Tondiarpet, Chennai 600 081.23464547
13TAMBARAM ZONE49/9, Venkatesa Choudry St.,22260261
Tambaram (West), Chennai-45.
14VELACHERY ZONE27, Dhandeeswaram Main Road,22435052
Velachery, Chennai 600 042.
15PALAVAKKAM ZONE77/1C, N.No.3/400 East Coast24483133
Road, Palavakkam, Chennai-41.
16PALLAVARAM ZONE/S.P.6,Chavadi Street, 22643112
Pallavaram, Chennai-43

Applying Online - Paal Card Becomes Smart Card : 

The existing Milk card subscribers & the new subscribers can apply for the smart card online. All the we need to do is to  submit the necessary informations in the Aavin Site. 
  • Click here to go to the online milk card portal of Aavin. 
  • Select Purchase New Milk Card
  • Fill in the necessary details in the form which opens after clicking Purchase New Milk Card.
  • The New subscribers needs to wait for some time  for approval. The consumer will be informed the approval details by e-mail.
  • After getting approval for new cards, the consumer may purchase new Milk cards by making payment through internet using Master/Visa card.
  • The consumer has to produce the following any one address proof and print out of the receipt for payment.
    a. Ration Card
    b. Driving Licence
    c. Bank Pass Book
    d. PAN card
    e. Voter ID
  • Once you submit the necessary informations on the online portal, the smart card registration details will be sent to the our mail ID and the card will be despatched to the regional/local Aavin depot. 

Renewal of Aavin Monthly Milk Card : 


The Milk cards should be renewed with the respective aavin zonal office between 1st & 14th of every month.

Online Renewal : 

  • Apply for smart card as discussed above under "Applying Online - Paal Card Becomes Smart Card". 
  • After receiving the smart card from the regional / local Aavin depot, again  go to to the online milk card portal of Aavin.
  • Now select "Monthly Milkcard Renewal"
  • Then click "Having Smart Card"
  • Login using the Customer ID / smart card no and fill up the necessary details and make payment online using Master / Visa Card.
  • The consumer has to collect the new milk cards at the respective Depot/ Milk Delivery points on 15th of the month by surrendering the old milk cards and print out of the receipt for payment. The old milk card should not be renewed in the Zonal Office after renewed through online for that month.
  • Service Charges for online facility : 
    Up to 1 ltr   Rs. 10.00 | Up to 2 ltrs Rs. 20.00 | Up to 3 ltrs Rs. 30.00

For more details and clarifications, you can contact Aavin @ 044 - 2346 4575 / 76. Toll Free No: 1800 425 3300 . Email:


Conclusion : 

I hope this post was useful to everyone . If we can save some 45 bucks a month because of this simple monthly card, there is nothing wrong in going ahead with it. Most of us were unaware about these milk card and many of us  don't know the procedure as to how to apply for this monthly milk card. Now everything has made online and made it easier for us to apply. Thanks for your time in reading this post, share it and let others aware !

With Cheers,
Deepak Raghuraman.


  1. good info ! You have missed heritage milk ! which is super good compare to Thirumala ! my very own experience ! also Aavin comes with one day expiry date ! So the day you buy you need to consume on the day itself as per the date ! so i generally do not prefer aavin i go for heritage which has 2 days expiry date ! But in TN most of them are using the aavin packet for next day !

    1. Aparna ji, Good milk you can't manage more than a day without boiling it... think about it

  2. Aparna : Thanks for the added info... Will add heritage in the post.. And I never know about this expiry date, thanks for making me aware :) And do you know is there any thing like Monthly card in Heritage ?

  3. Good post Deepak :) Informative one ! Hope it helps many. Thanks Aparna for the info on expiry date. I do have rarely noticed it !

  4. Your informative posts render great service. Any one to know about things here can just drop by your blog!

  5. Hey thanks Hari ! Its a great complement for me ! Keep writing and keep visiting my blog as well :)

  6. Nice once bro, very informative :) We use aavin milk for a very long time,, but never knew the nake reason of it until i read your blog :)

  7. Thanks Gokoulane. Thanks to Google and Wiki, without which we don't know many things. :)

  8. An informative piece and really valuable,hope you don't mind if i share.You may also want to share it on Chennai Food Guide page.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. @Tasneem : Thanks a ton. And I would be glad if it is shared :) Share it and let others aware.

  11. Nice work buddy, keep em coming :)

  12. Wow- thats pretty useful info. Good work !


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  14. I appreciate all of the information that you have shared. Thank you for the hard work!
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  15. Thanks for the useful info. I have one doubt if in case we are not in station or no need of milk on particular date, will there be the provision to mention the Aavin not to deliver the milk for which we no need to pay unnecessarily. Thanks in advance

  16. The Aavin website online card booking URL cannot support for all browsers......feel sad.

  17. YA YA absolutely correct BRO.......

  18. Dear Mr.Deepak, Aavin Blue is now Rs.17 for 500 ml for card holders...right? The rates table in this webpage are not updated.

  19. The time stamp of the comments is incorrect. Please correct the server time to reflect the local time.

  20. We need a daily supply of 15 sachets of 500ml Aavin Blue, Monday to Friday....door delivery at our office on Nelson Manickam Road between 9am and 10am. Possible? Whom to contact?

  21. Sorry Deepak. I thought you represent Aavin's Customer Care / Marketing. This is your personal blog I guess.

  22. What happens if i donot buy milk for a couple of days after getting card for the whole month ? does the number of packets i have not bought get carry forward to the next month ?

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Team, can someone update, on the tentative time line of getting smart card once registered online for the same.

  25. Morning which time we Will get milk?

  26. Does the Milk would be given door delivery?

  27. Thanks to all for their views. Well aavin also is
    tasty and good if stored in the cold storage properly.
    or kept after boiling 3 or four times in mud pot or
    some other clean vessel. sorry if i have hurt anyone.bye.thanks again.shankaran.V.

  28. please provide historical milk price since 2000

  29. If iam a Card holder....What happens if i dont buy milk on one particular day? Is it mandatory to buy Aavin everyday, because i go to Aavin once in 3 days.

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  39. Pls update the avin milk monthly card ie blue,green,red in Half litre per day morning only ie today (15.09.2019) rate

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