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Monday, 7 August 2017

Ration Card is now Smart Ration Card

Since the introduction of Aadhaar card, lots of transformations have been taking place in the government services. The latest one in that list is the Smart Ration card in Tamil Nadu. The process of Smart Ration card started with linking the Aadhaar Number with the Ration Card.

Linking Aadhaar Card with Ration Card:

Initially, the linking of Aadhaar card was done in the PDS shops (Ration Shops). Those people who regularly purchasing products from PDS shop have linked the Aadhaar Number by providing the copies of the Aadhaar Card of all their family members to their Ration Shop. For the benefit of others who are not visiting the PDS shops, the linking of Aadhaar was enabled through a mobile App "TNEPDS" (

Thus, the Aadhaar Number forms base for the Smart Ration card. As such, the Smart Card will be processed only if the Aadhaar details of the family members were linked with the Ration Card.

Process of Converting the Existing Ration Card to Smart Ration Card:

I. For those who have linked their Aadhaar Number:

i) If mobile number is registered with Ration Card:

  • The Smart Ration Cards for the existing card holders who have linked their Aadhaar numbers will be processed automatically
  • The status of the same can be obtained by logging into the TNPDS website in the link:
  • Login with the registered mobile number and it will prompt for OTP
  • Then click on to my services and select Smart Card Status
  • Once the Smart Card is processed, we will get the SMS from the TNPDS with a One Time Password (OTP)
  • In case the SMS is deleted, the OTP can be retrieved through the TNEPDS app
  • The OTP to be shared with the Ration Shop to collect the smart ration card

ii) If mobile number is not registered or the registered number is inactive:

The mobile numbers were registered while submitting the copy of the Aadhaar card in the ration shop. But in case, if the mobile number is not registered or the registered mobile number is inactive, we can register / update our mobile. This can be done ONLY by calling the helpline numbers 1967 (or) 1800 425 5901. I know many of us might have a doubt whether they answer. I tried and they are too good in responding and clarifying the doubts, which made me write this post.

Make sure to keep the ration card with you while calling the helpline number to register / update the mobile number, as we need to share our ration card number to them for registration / updation of mobile number.

Once the mobile number is registered, follow the same steps as given part (i).

II. For those who have NOT linked their Aadhaar Number:

If the Aadhaar number is not linked with the Ration Card, the smart ration card can be applied by linking the Aadhaar by following the below steps:

1) Go to
2) Click on Smart Card Application under Useful Links
3) Click on "Old Card Enrollment"
4) Fill up the form with the below details:

  • Ration Card Number: Enter the Ration card number which can be found on the top of the Ration Card
  • FPS Code: Fair Price Shop Code - Which can be found on the left bottom of the ration card
  • Ration Card Proof: Upload the scanned copy of front page of Ration Card. Make sure the scanned copy meets the below conditions: 
    • It should be in either of the formats of PDF / JPG / JPEG / PNG / GIF
    • The file size of the scanned copy should be less than 100 KB
  • Fill in the other details such as Name of the family head, father's name and address
  • Upload Family Head's Photo: Family head's photo should be uploaded. It should be in either of the format of JPG / JPEG / PNG / GIF and the file size should be less than 10 KB.
  • Update the details of family members: Details of the family members should be updated
  • Card Option: Type of card should be selected - No Commodity Card / Rice Card / Sugar Card / Others.
  • Proof of address to be uploaded: Valid proof of address to be uploaded and file size should be less than 100 KB. Below are the valid proof of address accepted:
    • Aadhaar Card
    • EB Bill
    • Front Page of Pass Book
    • Gas Consumer Card
    • Property Tax in case of own house
    • Passport
    • Rent Agreement
    • Slum Clearance Board allotment order
    • Phone Bill
    • Voter's ID Card
  • Details of GAS Connection: The below details should be provided if we have gas connection:
    • Registered Person's name
    • Oil Company IOCL / HPC / BPC
    • LPG Consumer Number
    • Name of the GAS Agency
    • Number of Gas Cylinders
  • After filling all the details, the declaration check box to be clicked and submitted.
  • The mobile number will get registered in this process itself and the status can be tracked in the same manner as mentioned in the Part I.

I hope this post could clarify few of the doubts prevailed over the smart ration card. As mentioned earlier, the Aadhaar Card forms base for this smart card and those who are yet to link the Aadhaar Number with the Ration Card, kindly do it as early as possible. It won't take more than half an hour of time. All the information provided in this blog post were obtained from the TNPDS official website and through the details collected over the phone call to their official helpline number. In case if any of you find any errors / incorrect information, feel free to let me know. If you have any further queries, feel free to ping me. I shall try to clarify me. Please make sure to spread the word about this smart ration card to those who are not having access to the digital world.

Meet you all in my next post.

Warm Regards,